Suport this Site
Readers, as you can imagine, I enjoy creating, maintaining, and continually creating new content on this site. If you’re reading this website, I think you’re like me, or maybe even considering getting involved, just haven’t had the opportunity yet. In any case, this page is for you.
I plan on keeping advertising off this site. Advertising on an enthusiast’s web page is annoying. Don’t you agree? The overhead on this site is low, but it is there. I pay for web address and I do spend many hours each month writing and updating pages.
Would you like to support this site? If the answer is yes, here are a few suggestions:
- Write Content
- Send Pictures
- Be an Informant
- Buy Merchandise
- Donate Money
Write Content
Writing content requires most of my time. The content pages need to be expanded. If you have any Idea or wishes of content, please let me know.
If you find yourself able to produce content that fits our topic, then feel invited to do so., take notes and pictures. Then send them to me! I will post your content. You will get the satisfaction of seeing your name attached to the article on this site. You will be famous in our little world. I promise.
If you have content to contribute, please use the contact page to get it to me.
Send Pictures
You want to make my day? Send me pictures of your schooldays and from now. If you are not on the “Classmates Then and Now Picture Gallery”, I will be ecstatic.
Approximately 600+ alumni are using this Page. Many mor are traveling on various Facebock Sites. They come from all over the world. My immediate goal is to get a new alumni picture every month. My long-term goal is to have pictures of all known alumni on the BAHS alumni page.
I accept all picture formats (JPG, TIF, BMP, etc.) and sizes. If you have pictures to contribute, please use my contact page to get them to me.
Be an Informant
Being a spy is so “in” these days.
If you know an alumni or friend, but don’t see their name on this site nore on Facebook, please tell me. I am honest. I generally call or email everyone I hear about to talk about their times in Bonn. Most are eager to talk.
Buy Merchandise
I thought it would be nice for everyone to remember their time in Bonn through current souvenirs, available on this Page.
BAHS Alumni Organization strives to maintain relationships between alumni and friends. This merchandise store houses BAHS-branded and Bonn collectible items. Happy shopping! Disclaimer: This store is independent and is not affiliated with the BAHS Alumni organization. It served only as an approved provider of merch products.
Donate Money
Okay, okay. If you don’t want to send pictures, write stories, spy on your friends, or buy my merchandise, you can always donate money.
Donations help me pay for the web address, enable me to create merchandise (shirts, pennants, keychains, etc.) and help me to improve the quality of this site. No donation is too small.